
Thursday, 19 December 2013

Cycle of life.

Living in the world nowadays, particularly in Malaysia, where the cost of living or the value of money has risen to the stage where MYR 6,000 a month doesn't make the cut anymore. Money making has become a prime objective and target for most of the homo sapiens whose feet touches the ground on our beloved globe.

A wise man once said to me that if he gathers the data of a human life cycle and plot it into graph of technical analysis, he can easily back test the data and Fibonacci's the expansion accurately to form a typical human life cycle. He said to me, the best time in ones life is during the stage of birth to the final year of college. Give and take about 25 years of age. This stage of life, you are careless, you are furnished with facilities be it money, love, or even enjoyment. You are lack of responsibility, you don't have a spouse or family that you need to nurture. Never in a do or die position. Bear in mind, I am only talking about the typical average and majority individuals, leaving out the poors and the unfortunates. Once you're finished with your studies in college, suddenly "pooofft" just like that, you need to earn money unless you're affluent enough to have parents who continuously "provides" for you which is for me an utter disgrace.

At the age of 26 to 55, you are in the stage of getting married, buying a house, scouting a car, paying bills, getting insurance or even having a baby. This is the stage where monetary policy kicks in. Time is exchange to form money. Your balance sheet gets better and better as the year accumulates, less time equals to more money. You will tend to neglect your loved ones. You're so occupied with "busy"ness without noticing that your kid is getting bigger, your parents getting older and your spouse's endurance getting thinner. At the end of this stage, your reflexes become slower, agility becomes a luxury, and twisting your bones will produce a loooooooong crack. It is quite a melancholy when at first, all you wanted is to have a better life and your good motive is to provide and to sustain.

By the time you reach 55, most of us are already financially strong and possibly became a grandfather. The wise man explains, this are the times where the graph trending up, but only to the span of two or three years. This stage comprises the time when your kids leave their kids with you to take care of. The happiest two or three years of an old folks life and that's it. You'll end up having it all but missed it all. So in conclusion, the best years was the early 25s and after that you will be chasing rainbows all the time. Quite right innit?

For me, I am currently in the second phase, 26 to 55. The part of the graph where your bills is more than your salary. Haha! But fortunately I can still sustain because I got the best Chief Financial Officer in my house. It is in the norm of a human being to have a target in life. It is not wrong, it is well encouraged. It is only wrong when you are overdoing it. Neglecting all the other fundamentals of life itself. For someone who can manage to strike the balancing note right in between work, family and spiritual scope? Now that is a rare breed.

All I'm trying to say is that, try your best on not to disregard your love ones. This includes your parents, your brothers, your sisters and your in-laws. These are the people that will stick by you through all odds. Although you have to work hard in order to prosper in life, but one must remember that this life is only interim. There are spiritual factors that you must also consider so that you are fully adorned in the after life. A reminder for me and all mankind.

Bukak angin sikit bagi bunyik wop wop

You wouldn't wanna be missing times like these would ya? :)

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